Don’t be scared of bothering a librarian.
The question people ask is not necessarily the one they want answered.
It’s best to get the most authoritative source you can, and cite it.
A library is not the most convenient place in which to have a crush.
Hundred-year-old dust is darker and grittier than the newer kind.
‘No Ordinary Sun’, the poem by Hone Tuwhare.
Spy books come back smelling of cigarette smoke; occult books rarely return.
Libraries collect people of all kinds, and do not shelve them.
Beware the late-night cleaner in the third-floor cafeteria.
Not everything good is new or bought (sometimes it is old and borrowed).
A stink bomb set off in the lift will pong everywhere.
The library is where the plot thickens.
* * *

Islands of the Gulf, a weighty book, is an enjoyable read with a ton of photos by Don Whyte. These are listed (as good books used to do with “tables of illustrations” or “plates”) over three pages just after the table of contents.
What particularly struck me the moment I opened it was that just inside, after the endpapers with their map of the Hauraki Gulf, the book’s previous owner had written her name and the date:
Coral Ridling
Dec. 66.
Dec. 66.
Miss Ridling — her staff wouldn’t dream of calling her by her first name — headed the Social Sciences Department of the Central Library in the 1980s when I went to work there as a young student in my Christmas holidays (see ‘the best and worst library experience you’ve had’ in this interview, and its comments), so seeing her handwriting brought back memories. She taught me many things in my first job and was witty as well as efficient. To me she was very kind. Several things I learned from her are above; the other items on the list all date back to that time.
Several libraries around New Zealand are led by Miss Ridling’s former staff, and looking online I found her described as a “respected mentor” who “always maintained that the day one did not learn something new in libraries was the day to look for new work”.
Miss Ridling gave Islands of the Gulf and years of service to the library, but she gave much more to lots of people. She lived in Grey Lynn, used the public libraries during her retirement, was active in the University of the Third Age, and died a few years ago.